VEBA Direct: Elevating Your Healthcare Experience
At VEBA, we’re driven by the belief that there is a better way to care for our members. VEBA Direct’s innovative partnership with local medical groups brings the highest quality, affordable health care to our members. Welcome to VEBA Direct, where healthcare is designed for you, and your well-being is at the heart of our commitment.
VEBA Direct members must select a primary care physician (PCP). The subscriber and any enrolled family members do not need to choose the same doctor. Your PCP will perform a key role in guiding your health care by helping you avoid duplicating tests and services, connecting you with a specialist if needed, and supporting you in achieving your best health.
Get in Touch
VEBA Advocacy – Have questions about your medical coverage? Please contact the VEBA Advocacy Team at 888-276-0250 or www.vebaonline.com/contact.
VEBA Direct TPA (UHC) – After you become familiar with your benefits, you may still need help. Please do not hesitate to call VEBA Direct’s TPA (UnitedHealthCare) at 888-586-6365 or 711 (TTY). Help in your language is also available to you at no cost.